Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Circuit Workout

  1.      A-skip, B-skip, A-run, B-run, quick feet, quick skip
  2.      20 push-ups, 20 squats
  3.      20 leg lifts (each leg), prone plank, supine plank, side plank (both sides)
  4.      repeat #1
  5.      20 burpees, 20 lunges each leg
  6.      repeat #3
  7.      2 minute abs (crunches or sit ups) and DO NOT take any breaks in between
  8.      repeat #2
  9.      30 second double leg hop (in place, side to side, forward and backward)
  10.  repeat #1
  11.  20 sec single leg hop (in place, side to side, forward and backward)
  12.  repeat #7
  13.  table routine (optional but very good for your hips and glute muscles)
  14.  more abs (between 5-10 minutes of various ab workouts)

*All of these can be done in the living room.  Some of the running/skipping stuff just needs to be done in place which can seem a little strange.  Regardless, this makes a very good workout and I’ve heard from a few missionaries who have done it on their missions that it works really well!
*A-skip: bring one knee up high and pump the opposite arm, then alternate.  Repeat this for about 40 seconds
*B-skip: same as the A-skip, just strike your foot on the ground quickly and make sure to keep your foot cocked with your toe up toward the ceiling.
*A/B-run: same as A/B-skip except in more of a running motion (I don’t know if that makes any sense)
*Prone Plank: get in a stance like you’re going to do a push up.  Hold yourself up on your forearms and hold for a minute-1 ½ minutes
*Supine Plank: opposite of prone plank.  Hold yourself up on your heels and your hands, pushing your hips toward the ceiling.  Hold for a minute-1 ½ minutes
*Side Plank: this one can be kind of trick, but it’s really good for your arms and abs (though all of these are).  Flip over on your side and push yourself up so your weight is supported on one hand and your legs are stacked with one leg on the bottom and the other sitting on top of it.  Put your other arm straight up in the air and hold for a minute.  (If holding yourself up on your hand is too hard at first, you can hold yourself up with your forearm instead).
*Burpee: Also called a “squat thrust.”  Begin in a standing position.  Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. (count 1)  Extend your feet back in one quick motion to assume the front plank position. (count 2) Return to the squat position in one quick motion. (count 3) Return to standing position. (count 4)
*Double Leg Hop: Pretty self-explanatory. (In place)-Little jumps up and down quickly for about a minute then immediately transition into Side to Side (also known as skiers)-little jumps quickly side to side for about a minute then immediately transition into Forward and Backward-little jumps quickly forward and backward for about a minute.
*Single Leg Hop: Do everything you did on the double leg hop only on one foot.  After you’ve done all the exercises on one leg, switch to the other leg.
*Table Routine
§  Fire Hydrants: sit on your hands and knees and lift your leg up and out to the side with your knee bent, then switch legs.  Do 10 lifts, both legs.
§  Donkey Whips: sit on your hands and knees and lift your leg up and out to the side with your leg straight.  Swing it back and forth, then switch legs.  Do 10 whips, both legs
§  Donkey Kicks: sit on your hands and knees kick your leg back and up toward your head as far as it will go with your knee bent, then switch legs.  Do 10 kicks, both legs
§  Circles: sit on your hands and knees and lift your leg up and out making a big circle motion, then switch legs.  Do 10 circles, both legs. 

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