Monday, February 25, 2013

Don't believe everything you read on the internet.

Don't believe everything you read on the internet. I saw a quote posted a while back on several blogs and on here a few times, BUT it is not a real quote from President Hinckley.

This is the false quote:

"Today many sisters are being called to serve. Many more are preparing to serve. Not because they aren't married or don't have anything else to do, but they have the desire to serve. One reason that the Lord wants more sisters to serve is because within the next generation He will send His priesthood army to the earth. He wants to send choice spirit children to mothers who have been prepared, properly trained, and taught in the gospel. What better schooling can a mother have than the experience and growth she gains through serving a mission?" -President Gordon B. Hinckley 

If you search for the quote, there is no result. Even if you google search it, it can only be found on blogs. Never on a church website or news site. Also, it can be proven that President Hinckley believed that it was more of a priesthood responsibility and that sisters should not feel obligated to go.

"I wish to say that the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve are united in saying to our young sisters that they are not under obligation to go on missions. I hope I can say what I have to say in a way that will not be offensive to anyone. Young women should not feel that they have a duty comparable to that of young men. Some of them will very much wish to go. If so, they should counsel with their bishops as well as their parents. If the idea persists, the bishop will know what to do.
I say what has been said before, that missionary work is essentially a priesthood responsibility. As such, our young men must carry the major burden. This is their responsibility and their obligation.
We do not ask the young women to consider a mission as an essential part of their life’s program. Again to the sisters I say that you will be as highly respected, you will be considered as being as much in the line of duty, your efforts will be as acceptable to the Lord and to the Church whether you go on a mission or do not go on a mission.
I certainly do not wish to say or imply that your services are not wanted. I simply say that a mission is not necessary as a part of your lives (Gordon B. Hinckley, Words of the Prophet: Forget Yourselves and Go. New Era, Oct. 2002).
During a separate talk, President Hinckley also said this: 
"Now I wish to say something to bishops and stake presidents concerning missionary service. It is a sensitive matter. There seems to be growing in the Church an idea that all young women as well as all young men should go on missions. We need some young women. They perform a remarkable work. They can get in homes where the elders cannot.
I confess that I have two granddaughters on missions. They are bright and beautiful young women. They are working hard and accomplishing much good. Speaking with their bishops and their parents, they made their own decisions to go. They did not tell me until they turned their papers in. I had nothing to do with their decision to go.
Now, having made that confession, I wish to say that the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve are united in saying to our young sisters that they are not under obligation to go on missions. I hope I can say what I have to say in a way that will not be offensive to anyone. Young women should not feel that they have a duty comparable to that of young men. Some of them will very much wish to go. If so, they should counsel with their bishop as well as their parents. If the idea persists, the bishop will know what to do.
I say what has been said before, that missionary work is essentially a priesthood responsibility. As such, our young men must carry the major burden. This is their responsibility and their obligation.
We do not ask the young women to consider a mission as an essential part of their life’s program. Over a period of many years, we have held the age level higher for them in an effort to keep the number going relatively small. Again to the sisters I say that you will be as highly respected, you will be considered as being as much in the line of duty, your efforts will be as acceptable to the Lord and to the Church whether you go on a mission or do not go on a mission.
We constantly receive letters from young women asking why the age for sister missionaries is not the same as it is for elders. We simply give them the reasons. We know that they are disappointed. We know that many have set their hearts on missions. We know that many of them wish this experience before they marry and go forward with their adult lives. I certainly do not wish to say or imply that their services are not wanted. I simply say that a mission is not necessary as a part of their lives.
Now, that may appear to be something of a strange thing to say in priesthood meeting. I say it here because I do not know where else to say it. The bishops and stake presidents of the Church have now heard it. And they must be the ones who make the judgment in this matter.
That is enough on that subject (Gordon B. Hinckley, Some Thoughts on Temples, Retention of Converts and Missionary Service. General Conference, Oct. 1997).
I hope none of you are terribly upset that this is a false quote, and I hope that you have been reminded to seek the sources before spreading things around (or using them in your farewell talks)! 


  1. wow this is awesome. well awesome that you found out this quote is phony cause it sounded right to me. thanks for this. its totally a wakeup call for me cause i'm on the net so much i think i start to actually forget that not everything here is sound and start falling for the phonies like this one.

  2. Thank you for this!!! When I read that quote, it just didn't feel right. I couldn't see him saying so I tried to search for it and couldn't find it. Thanks for putting it in writing!

  3. This just goes to show that, even though there are a lot of good quotes & ideas out there, it is so important to know your source before you go passing along a quote or idea, no matter how wonderful it sounds. :)
