
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Open when... (Letters to Missionary's. Day 1 at the MTC)

The following is a sample letter that you can send in your missionary's suitcase. Over the next few days I will post different letters that will help your missionary during some rough times. Create some cute envelopes and send your missionary off with some "Open When" letters for your missionary.

Embrace this day with an enthusiastic welcome, no matter how it looks. The covenant with God to which you are true enables you to become enlightened by Him, and nothing is impossible for you.

My Dear Hermana HW,
Today is your first day at the CCM (MTC in Spanish) in Peru! Can you believe you are on another continent preparing to serve the Lord for a year and a half!? It is crazy to think about, but this will be the most important year and a half of your life. This is the time that you will become the person you are meant to become. You will become a woman of Christ. This time at the CCM will only help you to begin to learn the habits that a woman of Christ has in her life. Today is only the beginning of this grand adventure you are on. Included in this letter, I have written down a few things that I learned while I was at the CCM that I wrote to share with you as you start your missionary education. I learned all of those things, some of it the hard way. I hope that my advice helps you.
Today you will get your first district and companion. Get to know them all! You will be with them all the time for the next six weeks! By the end of that time, you will be like a family to each other. Enjoy every moment at the CCM, it is like EFY on steroids, but without the dances and you can’t flirt…
Anyway, I pray that this experience is a good one. Learn to have the Spirit with you always and learn to listen to it. You will need the Spirit for every lesson you teach, and throughout the day. Have a good first day. I love you!
Your best friend and number one fan,

When we are no longer able to change a situation - we

 are challenged to change ourselves.

7   things you need to know while at the CCM:

1.     Having a companion is HARD. You never know what they are thinking. They follow you everywhere. Sometimes it is really annoying… But LOVE HER. Be open and honest with her. She can be your greatest support. When you aren’t getting along, have companionship inventory. 
2.  Your teachers are your best resources at the CCM. They have been where you are. They know what you are going through. They can help.
3.  The CCM President and his wife care about each and every one of the missionaries. If you need to, talk to them. They can be a great comfort and guides to you.
4.   If you ever want or need a priesthood blessing, ask your district leader or another elder in your district. They always appreciate the opportunity to use their priesthood keys.
5.  DyC 10:5 Pray Always!
6.  Ether 12:27 Be Humble!
7.   I love you!

“Anywhere you are in the world, with prayer, faith, determination, diligence, and some sacrifice, you can make a powerful contribution. Begin now. I promise you that the Lord will help you find a way. And it will make you feel wonderful.”
–Richard G. Scott

“Let the Church be your dear friend. Let it be your great companion. Serve wherever you are called to serve. Do what you are asked to do. Every position you hold will add to your capacity. I have served in many responsibilities in this great organization. Every service brought its own reward.”
–Gordon B. Hinckley

“Without help, you are like one who can’t or doesn’t wash or bathe or put on clean clothes. The path you need to follow is in the scriptures. Read them and your faith in Christ will grow. Listen to those who know the gospel.”
–Boyd K. Packer

“Our personal journey through life provides us with many special experiences that become building blocks of faith and testimony. No matter what the experience may be, each gives us a chance for personal growth, greater wisdom, and, in many cases, service to others with more empathy and love.”

–Ronald A. Rasband


  1. I did this same idea except instead of giving the letters to a missionary..I am the missionary and I was the one giving the stack of letters. I gave the stack of letters to my mom for mothers day. That way instead of just having the weekly emails and letters that she will get from me she will have letters to open at certain times while im on my mission as well. She absolutely loved the idea and it meant a lot to her. it was probably the most touching gift I've given my mom for mothers day. its just another great twist to the idea (:

  2. what kind of things did you use for the "open when" envelopes?

  3. I am getting in love with this perfect blog!!!! And this is exactly what I am going to do!
