
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Things I Wish I Would've Known: Part 2

Bella In Berlin has more advice for all of us! 

"I'm a little in shock I was able to go viral with that last blog post!! 

I know I needed all the advice I could get before I left!

And now that I know it helped over 18,000 of you ladies out there getting ready to serve the Lord I'd be happy to add some more!! 

Tide to go pen. 
If your anywhere near as clumsy as I'll feel like you bought clothes pre-stained. 
There are days you won't make it home or to a bathroom till 930pm. These little geniuses save your life..

Keep your "DORK DOT" you will soon learn what that is and the significance of it upon arrival in the MTC! 
This convenient neon orange dot will be placed on your name tag within seconds of arriving. Notifying everyone on campus 
" I'M NEW AND I'M FREAKING OUT". In turn you get 2,000 friendly waves and lots of help. Stick it on the back of your badge at the end of the day as a fun reminder of your first day! 

Or..... Re-stick it on the front of your name tag every Wednesday when new missionaries arrive feel special and get help from people like I did....every Wednesday...for 9 weeks. 

Purchase PREACH MY GOSPEL in your native language right away and begin studying. I'd like to introduce you to your new best friend for the next 18 months. 

This is one book that you can not put off studying and spark note the answers the day of the test like I managed to do through all of schooling. 
(there is also no Internet use as a missionary:) ) 

Study it. Learn it. Apply it. Love it

Memorize " Our Purpose" in the first chapter. You will be asked to memorize it on your mission! Get a head start 

Go to bed at 10:30pm for a month leading up to your mission to help your body adjust to the new time. It avoids you sitting staring at those MTC cement ceilings counting sheep, naming apostles and counting how many times the book of mormon says " and it came to pass" I did. You will appreciate every single second of sleep 

Be OBEDIENT...need I say more? EXACT obedience brings SPECIFIC blessings. 
We only have 18 months to serve..but eternity to think about it 

Dry shampoo... Better known as a gift from heaven for women none the less sister missionaries. Germany is humid.. or let's face it.. there are some mornings your desire to shower is that of laman and lemuels desire to be righteous. 

Spray a little Dry Shampoo on your roots and your set. FOOL PROOF.. What others know won't hurt em. 

When you go to the temple..bring a few dollars and eat in the temple cafe.. The food is way good and sometimes you'll need to mix it up

Go to the salad bar line in the MTC ...order a tortilla...just put cheese on it and microwave genius invention and life saver when they serve hamburgers ( which is 6 out of 7 days)

Hand Sanitizer.. Go to bath and body works and purchase a few mini hand sanitizers. You will shake on average of 100 hands a day in the field with NoOoOoOoOoOo idea where they've been. Keepin it clean

Icy hot..used as much as normal lotion

If your a caffeine/diet coke addict........begin the detox asap. This will avoid lots of problems with receiving packages that get caught in the mail room from friends trying to sneak you in your daily dosage.
And migraines 

If your learning a language and have a while to wait..start learning. Buy Rosetta stone, find a Russian for dummies book. The second you walk into your MTC classroom you'll wonder whether your in the Chinese or Albanian classroom and have no idea what's up or down. 

Go buy a small pocket dictionary in the language your learning. I started from page 1 and slowly put a dash through words I learn! 

Also... Find and download Disney movie songs in your language or Christmas music. You already know all the words in the English version.. It helps your vocab and grammar etc! And who doesn't love some Disney.. avoid love songs..= trunky

Buy a fresh new set of scriptures for your mission. I love my set I grew up with. But some days my Dr. Seuss looking flowers i drew in it and 8 year old thoughts don't really...move me. 
It's been inspiring to write down new thoughts and inspiration that I received from the second I was set apart as missionary. 

Forget yourself. This work isn't about's about the Lord and his children. It's not about learning a new language, going to a cool tropical place or getting an 18 month break from drama and boys...or are those the same thing? 

Moving on

A small to do..
My MTC teacher said something that really stuck with me. There will be no time in your life than RIGHT NOW that you are closer to God, and know better or more clear what you want to do. Write down somewhere ideas, dreams and goals you have for both mission and post mission life. Having such a list helps keep an RM busy and not going stir crazy wondering what to do next. I tried it and am already to 100! Don't worry mom...getting married made the list

You do not need to purchase anything on the allowed reading list ( unless you want to mark and personally own it). EVERY apartment I've lived it on the mission has owned 10 Jesus the Christ's.. 7 my heritage etc..

And how I look at it...less books more room for clothes. 

Lose yourself. This work is not one that you can wade your feet in. You'll soon realize that everyday demands your very best. Be prepared to give your all..and some. In doing so the satisfaction that will come I can promise you will be unmeasurable. 

Write in the back of your Book of Mormon the date of every time you began and finished it on your mission. A friend referred this tip to me. And I've loved also adding a sentence or two about how my testimony was strengthened each time. 

A nice water bottle..or if your going somewhere where the water is skeptical buy a water bottle with a filter! I have a " bobble" water bottle or " Purita" also works great! You can find them at target, bed bath and beyond etc..

The name of the store I mentioned in last weeks post is in Draper, Utah is called The Sweetest Thingz (416 East 12300 South) this is where you can find the extender slips with lace to add length to any dress or skirt! 

Stickers....lots of stickers. Children flock to you every Sunday and on the streets asking for stickers. Deseret book, scrapbook store

If you wanna get fancy get a stamp for your return address of your mission home for your letters you send. 

A photo a day. I take a photo a day on my mission. Fun way to know what happened

A sister gave me this tip.. If you have a difficult companion sometimes, speaking up or having a dreadful comp inventory can seem impossible. Carry around tic tacs and every time your companion gets a little stressed, irritated, mean,  just offer her a tic tac and she will eventually catch on! And everyone likes good breath 

Put sticky notes in the back of your planner. Every time you make out an appointment, give an investigator a reading assignment or commitment write it down for them! Ive had companions do this one and now I do. Some people forget the second you walk out the door, they show up on Tuesday at 1 when you told them Saturday at 7. 

Put chocolate in your mailbox when you leave in the morning... So that you never walk away unhappy! And at the end of the day when you reach inside your mailbox there is always something in there for you! Whoever said happiness cannot be bought...has never eaten German chocolate. 

Exercise in the 2M gym under the bookstore. It's a little more private and alot nicer! With treadmills etc! They also play the Joseph Smith movie on repeat! You can run and get in a workout or lay lifeless on a yoga mat like me and enjoy the show with some popcorn!

David A Bednar " Revelation"
Turning outwards

Begin your profile. It's a requirement to make one in the MTC. It would've been helpful to get started earlier and have time to really say what I wanted. 

If your name is Marlin...please do me a favor and write: name Is Marlin.. I'm a clownfish..and a Mormon  
Stay away from the MTC orange gives everyone crazy nightmares and makes ya ill 

When in a crowded group of missionaries at the MTC yell out " ELDERRRRR" and just watch...and enjoy. 

Find missionaries in your area and request to be a joint teach! They will not say no! We beg for joint teaches! The best thing to do... Is DO IT

I've noticed on my mission..Satan truly works the hardest on those that he knows is capable of making the biggest difference in building this kingdom..but you know who also knows that?

Your father in heaven. He called you to do his work because he TRUSTS YOU 

A few years back I was someone who would have bet everything I owned that I would not be where I am today. I made so many mistakes...spent more time running from seminary teachers ( literally) than learning from them. But I know the atonement is REAL. My words I felt would never be enough to describe what this beautiful message deserves...

God does not ask us to be perfect. But to give our best..and he fills in the rest. 

Last...don't freak out!!! The set preparation isn't accomplished by packing perfectly or being prepared with everything from bandages to 18 months worth of toothpaste. 
The best preparation you can do for your mission is prepare spiritually..

Girls we runnnnnn thiss..."


  1. truly incredible. thanks :)

  2. Thank you so much! I laughed and pondered and really felt the spirit while reading this. Thanks for the awesome tips!

  3. I really appreciated this post! You've got some great ideas. Thanks for your input :)

  4. Such a great help!! Definitely helps with the pre-serve anxiety.
